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Posts: 3   Visited by: 75 users
24.06.2016 - 23:25
There should be a feature from we can sell our lands and units to friends. It would be helpful in RP when one country buys weapons from friendly one.
25.06.2016 - 05:39
RP has enough units, same stats just different names. All you would get is the name, and can't even produce it. This will take away the point of having countries with high reinf counts and low money counts and vice versa which makes you use different strategies. Besides, how would unit cost translate across people using different strats? PD infantry costs 50 with 4 attack 8 def, and Imp infantry costs 30 with 3 attack 6 defence.

25.06.2016 - 06:30
Written by your_PROUD, 24.06.2016 at 23:25

There should be a feature from we can sell our lands and units to friends. It would be helpful in RP when one country buys weapons from friendly one.

Sure we are ready to implement anything to help RP players and Rp maps just say what else you need ...

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