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14.03.2011 - 11:33
Sorry if it's been suggested, but pairing auto-build with auto-move might be handy.
14.03.2011 - 11:53
14.03.2011 - 14:29
Sounds good, but what take a hell of a long time to make.
14.03.2011 - 15:43
Admins, please make this.... It would come in so handy for expanding the zero empire making the game quicker and maybe more user-friendly...
15.03.2011 - 11:14
As in you select a stack of units can click to a city that's far away and it will automatically go there each turn until you cancel it or it gets attacked?

If so, I agree.
15.03.2011 - 11:39
Well, yes, that, but also that if you set a city to autobuild tanks, also have an auto route so each (reinforcement) turn you have a new group of tanks headed to your front lines. With 2/3 min turns, it's sometimes hard to remember to go back and get your 8 tanks in the backfield and move em.
15.03.2011 - 12:06
I understand.. I wonder why kind of back work that needs to be done to set this up... I think once you move your units as far as they go there could be an additional icon next to it to set up the movement for the following turn.. as long as those routs could be canceled or changed if needed that would be great.
15.03.2011 - 12:12
 Ivan (Admin)
OK, it's obvious that you guys really want this, so we'll try to see what can be done. The issue is, unfortunately, more complicated than it appears (which is why we still haven't implemented it).
15.03.2011 - 12:37
I got an idea (that could work with the game engine), not really the auto-move thing, but something easier for big countries.

In auto production : could it be an option for producing all the troops from a country in his capital ?
15.03.2011 - 13:39
Lioda i like your idea or a goto capital selection that the auto built troops know as soon as there made they need to strat moveing tward the capital of the country.
Where's the BEEF!
15.03.2011 - 16:27
Lioda's idea could definitely help. Even if it took a turn, so that reinforcement turn gens, you go to a city, click "send production to capital" then, next turn you have ability to make X more units. When we're talking about your coding time, every idea is easy! haha! but, that sounds like it would definitely be easier to implement.
17.03.2011 - 04:54
This is one of the points I mentioned in "Large-army wars". I also think that it would be very helpful, a logical and necessary extension of auto-production and something to take away the time-intensive routine of getting units to the front. Also, it would add realism as people would have to protect their supply routes and plan them efficiently.
Versão brasileira: Herbert Richers.
17.03.2011 - 07:40
One other thing I thought of is - make a route permanent. Build 5 tanks in Berlin, move them to Hamburg and then: (just as an example, not sure it's the best interface) next to the red X to cancel the movement is a Green check mark to make the route permanent. Then, any new units in Berlin follow that "permanent" route. You could even have a permanent route be to some random point on the map (i.e. as far east as they can go)
17.03.2011 - 08:52
Written by Silentg, 17.03.2011 at 07:40

One other thing I thought of is - make a route permanent. Build 5 tanks in Berlin, move them to Hamburg and then: (just as an example, not sure it's the best interface) next to the red X to cancel the movement is a Green check mark to make the route permanent. Then, any new units in Berlin follow that "permanent" route. You could even have a permanent route be to some random point on the map (i.e. as far east as they can go)

And extending this to work for not only cities but any point on the map (i.e. every turn if there's a unit in this location, move the unit here) allows us to chain these permanent routes to create real logistic chains.

The game would then get a nice element of attacking resupply lines with stealth units (though probably stack bonus would have to be increased for this to make sense, since the idea would be to have ~30 rines attacking stacks of 5-6 tanks without losing any rines)
18.03.2011 - 02:35
Okay so this idea sounds great but i think there should be a side effect, hopefull this would also make it easyer for the gods of wind to accomplish. We all want it to do the most oppertune route but realisticly thats way too much calculations and it negates our lovely little secrets instead i sudgest that we use pre determined "road ways" eac city only has one auto entry and it connects to a main high way or a general path. this would also help with units meeting up with each other.
19.03.2011 - 03:24
Is there a way for the player to modify the program?
for example you tell the program to alow the player to makes the rout, its not like a game rule there are no calculations but the program checks for the line the players makes and if a player makes a rout then it looks for those troops and move s them only along that rout till they hit a city.
so i could wagon train my troops from one city to the next.
Where's the BEEF!
19.03.2011 - 20:26
I agree that either the auto-move should be not the way people suggest it should be (Auto-Move when they are made)

So a bit of things:

When you move an unit out of range, the range the unit still has to move is yellow (The white stripe you always see will be yellow.)

The next turn, the units will stay on the place they were placed and you can still see the yellow stripe. This way you can see what auto-moves are and you can still modify them by basically moving your unit (it will turn into a white stripe again (: )

Auto-Movements wont be executed untill just before the end of turn. Latest priority. If you want to make sure they are first priority, just move them where you wanted them to move with auto-move

I think thats a nice disadvantage and a nice system for you to be able to do everything without units being unmovable after you put an auto move on them.
19.02.2016 - 20:54
Just new to this game, and surprised this feature doesn't exist. I'm not able to think much with a large empire since most of the time is spent clicking on many cities. Any update on this 5 years later? Lioda's suggestions sounds great and would be by far the easiest.
19.02.2016 - 22:02
Nope. "Rally-points-feature" hasn't been implemented; probably willever be developed.
21.02.2016 - 04:56
If you had auto move on your units, the tb system would not work.
21.02.2016 - 05:02
Written by JF., 21.02.2016 at 04:56

If you had auto move on your units, the tb system would not work.

obviously tbs would override an automove... It would be exactly the same as if you moved it.
21.02.2016 - 05:04
Written by Xenosapien, 21.02.2016 at 05:02

Written by JF., 21.02.2016 at 04:56

If you had auto move on your units, the tb system would not work.

obviously tbs would override an automove... It would be exactly the same as if you moved it.

If you had 2 auto move cities which would be classed as the first move? none.
21.02.2016 - 05:07
Written by JF., 21.02.2016 at 05:04

Written by Xenosapien, 21.02.2016 at 05:02

Written by JF., 21.02.2016 at 04:56

If you had auto move on your units, the tb system would not work.

obviously tbs would override an automove... It would be exactly the same as if you moved it.

If you had 2 auto move cities which would be classed as the first move? none.

The priority can be set to be added to the end of your turn, with prio in the order of how you made your automoves. If anything you do affects an automove the section would cancel.
21.02.2016 - 05:08
Written by JF., 21.02.2016 at 05:04

Written by Xenosapien, 21.02.2016 at 05:02

Written by JF., 21.02.2016 at 04:56

If you had auto move on your units, the tb system would not work.

obviously tbs would override an automove... It would be exactly the same as if you moved it.

If you had 2 auto move cities which would be classed as the first move? none.

No I'm saying tb chances will be taken and that an automove will not bypass it. edit: um okay... even though I quoted it seems it has missed the edit which is now unedited.
21.02.2016 - 05:10
Written by Xenosapien, 21.02.2016 at 05:07

Written by JF., 21.02.2016 at 05:04

Written by Xenosapien, 21.02.2016 at 05:02

Written by JF., 21.02.2016 at 04:56

If you had auto move on your units, the tb system would not work.

obviously tbs would override an automove... It would be exactly the same as if you moved it.

If you had 2 auto move cities which would be classed as the first move? none.

The priority can be set to be added to the end of your turn, with prio in the order of how you made your automoves. If anything you do affects an automove the section would cancel.

That could work but what if you want to make a move before the units go to a city and vice versa.
The idea takes alot away from the game one being skill.
21.02.2016 - 05:15
Written by JF., 21.02.2016 at 05:10

Written by Xenosapien, 21.02.2016 at 05:07

Written by JF., 21.02.2016 at 05:04

Written by Xenosapien, 21.02.2016 at 05:02

Written by JF., 21.02.2016 at 04:56

If you had auto move on your units, the tb system would not work.

obviously tbs would override an automove... It would be exactly the same as if you moved it.

If you had 2 auto move cities which would be classed as the first move? none.

The priority can be set to be added to the end of your turn, with prio in the order of how you made your automoves. If anything you do affects an automove the section would cancel.

That could work but what if you want to make a move before the units go to a city and vice versa.
The idea takes alot away from the game one being skill.

I doubt you'd need a unique move like that so much in large games, hardly takes away from skill, it adds to it as it leaves more time to do some actual tactical/strategical moves with micro.
21.02.2016 - 07:19
Or, just have an option of limited rally points the host can twink. But never infinite rally points, 3-5 would work.

or have rally points as an active move you can activate anytime like auto-production.
29.02.2016 - 09:03
This sounds really useful: both the auto-move and the rally points. Unfortunately considering this was proposed 5 years ago, with no results, I doubt it will ever happen

01.03.2016 - 04:31
Even a really basic tool would help a lot
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result

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