21.08.2015 - 14:49
1. International Warfare For lack of better name, as Imperialist is obviously already taken. Transport range +2 Air Transport range +2 Transport capacity +5 Air Transport capacity +2 All units attack in cities +1 All units defence -2 All units cost +20 2. Horde If you think this couldn't be applied to a modern context then just look at ISIS and tell me they don't act like the Mongols, Timurids, and Golden Horde did over 600 years ago. All land units cost -30 All land units range +2 All units critical +2 All units attack +1 All units attack in cities +1 Naval and Air units cost +50 Naval and Air units range -2 All units collateral +3 All units defence -2
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21.08.2015 - 17:18
So inf have notmal attack but they cost 30.Thats op
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20.09.2015 - 18:30
Good proposals, you might want to elaborate them more. This might be useful for you:
Now for the suggestions...
1. I believe those units should earn defense, not attack, in cities. If you want to keep the current configuration though, you should change the cost. I can see potential on this one because we need more world-game type of strategies, but I don't want this strategy to be strong in early game (T1 onward), due to its great expansion power. 2. The transports should also get a Nerf in their cost.
I believe it would look more serious if those units had 2 defense points (making it a true rush-like strategy). Like the last one, this one have a great expansion power that should'be reduced. Not very hard to see what's wrong, I'll let you balance it out...
21.09.2015 - 13:58
Both seem quite ridiculous. For International Warfare you're better off using Sky Menace. Sky Menace already carries 6 but in your strategy it would be 10. And each unit would cost +20. You're better off sticking with SM and using bombers for 130 rather than using IW and spending 140 for a tank. And especially since the -2 defense would be a huge drawback. Theres a lot of complications with the overall thought of it. It would be too ridiculous for anyone besides someone who wants to troll with Air Trans. We already have a strategy similar to Horde, it's Guerilla Warfare.
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21.09.2015 - 14:20
Horde is like RA, but with free militia that have no defense, and op inf. (not to mention the fact that all troops collectively seem hell-bent on killing civilians) For international: how can any units have bonus attack against cities?? Cities always provide cover and defense for the troops. This strat states that the troops have an easier time killing the enemy hiding behind buildings, rather than sniping them out in an open desert from a couple miles away
---- ![]() "For out of the ground we were taken For the dust we are, And to the dust we shall return"
21.09.2015 - 15:13
if that the case everybody would play horde since attack would be better than defence.. and you also need to ally fag because of movement prioritize 2 player can use movement prioritizement to take advantage. u attack you enemy stack first u basically win.
---- Hi
21.09.2015 - 16:05
World Police ![]()
---- Creator of banal posts
21.09.2015 - 18:02
Both seems a bit too OP. Perhaps you should lower these values a bit? Just a thought.
24.09.2015 - 07:45
Yes, which is why this can't be implemented without major revising.
---- ![]() "For out of the ground we were taken For the dust we are, And to the dust we shall return"
Are you sure?