16.09.2015 - 15:23
Communication is a big factor in AtWar and leads to misunderstanding and wars. There should be a new auto translate system. Auto Translate System Directive: 1. If a foreign language is spoken such as Serbian or Spanish etc. then the words shall be converted to your server language. 2. If you speak a foreign language then it shall show up on the receivers screen as the language of their server. 3. If your server is Spanish then your server will interpret your speech from Spanish. This should be true for all other languages. 4. Button used to toggle whether to accept auto translate at any given time. The player can now decide whether he or she wants to abide by these functions or not at any time. I hope this will end all language disputes.
16.09.2015 - 15:34
It would have to be connected to a language database, autodetect different languages, and pick the correct word based on the circumstances. Cool concept but not practical at all
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16.09.2015 - 15:52
No,no need for translation of all languages,just add something that will auto mute kebabish
16.09.2015 - 22:24
This seems reasonable ![]()
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16.09.2015 - 22:25
Only languages needed are Croatian, Serbian, and Turkish...
---- Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel ![]()
17.09.2015 - 02:41
Auto translate would be impossible for Croatian and Serbian... translations are often hilarious, and we would just use slang and shit ![]()
17.09.2015 - 08:59
Even Google a multi-billion dollar business can't pull of a perfect translation with Google Translate and you expect At-War to? Don't you think thats a bit far fetched? ![]()
17.09.2015 - 09:35
Not a big translator but we can implement some very basic buttons: 1. Attack [Insert player's name here, or city's location]. This message will appear in ally chat, the city location will be a link that leads you to that city. 2. Defend [city's name]. Same mechanics as above. "No" is a very common word understandable in almost all languages, but we can add yes/no buttons to the respectives messages. Since it will be an standard we would only need to traduce words like "Attack, Defense, Yes, No" etc... For example..... clovis1122 and Croat are allies. clovis is too dumb to understand english, so its atWar is in Spanish. Croat is smart but got zero in his spanish class because serbia decided to invade Croatia that day. He want to send me a message to attack Don's narb GW Ukraine. [al] Croat: Ataca [Kiev] ! (Yes / No) *ataca = attack* *clovis marks no cause narb rush, the message turn into black or another color that represent negations, maybe slashed, or something. *clovis marks yes cause op Paradox, the message turn into gold or another color that represent agreement, maybe bold or something.
Are you sure?