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26.07.2015 - 14:12
Hello everyone. My idea is simple that abusing and insulting other players should be banned or declared illegal. The purpose of chat is not to abuse or insult other people. The purpose chat is to communicate with others, to make plans, agreements, to ally, to become friend, to advertise some game or other. But many players in AW are using chat to abuse and insult others. we have no right to abuse others. As most of us are literate so we should not abuse or insult other and stop others from insulting other people. We can stop other people from abusing and insulting by declaring abusing and insulting illegal. Some harsh and bad words should not occur in chat. Some of then are following:

and other insulting words

How can we stop these words by occurring in chat

For example if anyone says fuck so it should not occur in chat. At that place **** should occur.
If a player continuously say any harsh word so should be banned from chat.

And if anyone say sentence which insults other so it should be reported to mod and player should be ban for at least 1 day.

If anyone is spam continuously so he should be banned from chat from few minutes. This should happen automatically no need from mods or report or some this else

I wish in some weeks admins and mods will do this.

If any grammar mistake so do not mind!!!
26.07.2015 - 14:20
Totally agree and support this.
26.07.2015 - 15:00
Admins can censor certain words but if you're that hurt over words on this game there is a mute button.
R.I.P. Mortal Kombat 2/15/2015

26.07.2015 - 15:00
It is an internet chat room...... if someone is insulting you, you can report them to Mod and ignore them. No need to censor people who can handle insults because others cannot. Ignore is there for a reason- use it if you want.
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
26.07.2015 - 16:10
Written by pakistani tiger, 26.07.2015 at 14:12


And my personal favourite:
26.07.2015 - 16:32
Account deleted
These rude words are a good way of expressing my inner self!
26.07.2015 - 20:21
Parents shouldnt let their kids roam the internet until they are atleast 12. if this kid has problem with the world noob i imagine a conversation with unleashed will leave some scars.
26.07.2015 - 23:44
No support, but please try and be kind in general, guys
27.07.2015 - 05:21
No support because it express my inner feeling to bastard
27.07.2015 - 07:10
Written by Pheonixking929, 26.07.2015 at 15:00

It is an internet chat room...... if someone is insulting you, you can report them to Mod and ignore them. No need to censor people who can handle insults because others cannot. Ignore is there for a reason- use it if you want.

... you still need a new name motherf*****

totally agree though... if someone's abusing, mute them.
27.07.2015 - 07:12
Written by SQUARED, 26.07.2015 at 20:14

Some people need to be told just how much they suck
Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel
27.07.2015 - 07:31
Written by Nero, 27.07.2015 at 07:12

Written by SQUARED, 26.07.2015 at 20:14

Some people need to be told just how much they suck

27.07.2015 - 09:25
Support it will make things easier on mods and any one who says these words is just showing that he shouldn't be respected i don't know why the forum or game has no language filter !!
27.07.2015 - 13:56
 brianwl (Admin)
Written by pakistani tiger, 26.07.2015 at 14:12

The purpose chat is to communicate with others, to make plans, agreements, to ally, to become friend, to advertise some game or other. .... we have no right to abuse others.

I wish in some weeks admins and mods will do this.

I am all for players being respectful to one another... and i agree players should not abuse others.

However, i don't agree with filters.... if someone wants to be abusive or insulting, it does communicate something about that player. I can use that information to make better choices later on.

The use of the ignore button should solve any immediately offensive remarks... and in extreme and repeated cases, send a screen shot and mods will act.

Keep in mind, the people trying to be offensive generally fall into 2 categories (pre/adolescence who aren't being supervised when they probably should be - and the 'so called' /pathological) - i can empathise somewhat with the first group as they don't have parents who care enough about them - and the second group i now look at this way : better they on AW calling you names than out in the community where they can do some real damage.)

27.07.2015 - 15:38

27.07.2015 - 18:22
I didnt read, but I strongly disagree!

Written by Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
27.07.2015 - 19:00
Written by brianwl, 27.07.2015 at 13:56

Keep in mind, the people trying to be offensive generally fall into 2 categories (pre/adolescence who aren't being supervised when they probably should be - and the 'so called' /pathological) - i can empathise somewhat with the first group as they don't have parents who care enough about them - and the second group i now look at this way : better they on AW calling you names than out in the community where they can do some real damage.)

intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
27.07.2015 - 19:10
Written by pakistani tiger, 26.07.2015 at 14:12

Hello everyone. My idea is simple that abusing and insulting other players should be banned or declared illegal. The purpose of chat is not to abuse or insult other people. The purpose chat is to communicate with others, to make plans, agreements, to ally, to become friend, to advertise some game or other. But many players in AW are using chat to abuse and insult others. we have no right to abuse others. As most of us are literate so we should not abuse or insult other and stop others from insulting other people. We can stop other people from abusing and insulting by declaring abusing and insulting illegal. Some harsh and bad words should not occur in chat. Some of then are following:

and other insulting words

How can we stop these words by occurring in chat

For example if anyone says fuck so it should not occur in chat. At that place **** should occur.
If a player continuously say any harsh word so should be banned from chat.

And if anyone say sentence which insults other so it should be reported to mod and player should be ban for at least 1 day.

If anyone is spam continuously so he should be banned from chat from few minutes. This should happen automatically no need from mods or report or some this else

I wish in some weeks admins and mods will do this.

If any grammar mistake so do not mind!!!

For one thing this is a war game people gunna talk shit For two fuck you I belive at war deserves freedom of speach! not to mention some of the words like a prime one NOOB you think should be a day ban-able offense thats just purely autistic frankly i can understand F bombs and such being **** out but ill be the first to say ill quit at war before i see the day someone gets banned for calling a player noob <_> i mean how much of a butt hurt bitch are you paki tiger
27.07.2015 - 19:21
Also if this Nazi proposal were to pass there would be literally close to no pple in any of the lobbies ever censoring words will kill atwar or atleast the banning these players will

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