A large minority, if not the majority of turns in (casual) games, especially during the first 5-10 turns, reach the maximum time limit because players stop playing and timeout when defeated, instead of using the "Surrender" option. No need to say that in 48h games, when you have to wait for 2 or 3 defeated players that sequentially decide to timeout, it's pretty annoying, to say the least.
In order to prevent (casual) games from stalling, I would suggest to remove any earned SPs for players that do not use the "Surrender" option. It does not mean that players will stop timing out, but at least, losing the earned SPs is a strong incentive to be respectful of other players still playing. What say you?
Please feel free to comment if you vote "no", maybe I am missing something ... cause a priori, I can't see why people leaving the game could not just "Surrender"...
Please help me keeping faith in humanity ... Why "no"? Give me a good explanation! The only reason I see is to piss other players off on purpose...
Please help me keeping faith in humanity ... Why "no"? Give me a good explanation! The only reason I see is to piss other players off on purpose...
Good faith players: Possible reasons players voted 'no' are when people lose internet access through no fault of their own. Like a storm, wrongful arrest, military draft, riots/wars, visiting in-laws, etc. It is rare and exceptional, but these people already have it tough... now you want to take their SP? It could be all they have left.
Builds resilience: If the player is trying to annoy you, so be it. You will still ultimately prevail, and the victory can be just as satisfying if you have to wait a couple days. Don't give in to instant gratification. As Yoda warns, 'this is the path to the dark side'. ♥

Written by brianwl, 29.05.2015 at 13:01
Please help me keeping faith in humanity ... Why "no"? Give me a good explanation! The only reason I see is to piss other players off on purpose...
Good faith players: Possible reasons players voted 'no' are when people lose internet access through no fault of their own. Like a storm, wrongful arrest, military draft, riots/wars, visiting in-laws, etc. It is rare and exceptional, but these people already have it tough... now you want to take their SP? It could be all they have left.
Builds resilience: If the player is trying to annoy you, so be it. You will still ultimately prevail, and the victory can be just as satisfying if you have to wait a couple days. Don't give in to instant gratification. As Yoda warns, 'this is the path to the dark side'. ♥
Can't disagree with Yoda ... valid points, thanks for your reply
Hm... I'm sorry than no one answered you yet (except good old brian) XD back on topic, idk what to vote, I just wouldn't care that much about it since I've got more than enough SP. Maybe it would only affect low ranks, the ones that most need the sp, but still not sure whether it would be a fair option (maybe due to life circumstances, he hasn't had time to login). Other than that, I wouldn't care if this got implemented even though I find it hard to get admins to do so.
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.