20.05.2016 - 04:04
Plz tell me what is the best strategy to use when playing as India and how to Expand much
20.05.2016 - 04:29
Depends on the starting cash,if it is 25k you better not pick india and I guess you know that already. So I will assume you mean in 50k. If you don't want to ally china you better go there and kill them all to take the income and reinforcement china gives.You will have a satisfying income and for sure many many reinforcement. If you ally china then run to Europe to gain income,to fight a united/good europe you might need your ally's assistance on reinforcement or economically. I never go india but if you like it then go imperialist,perfect defence or even relentless attack. When you learn how to manage your money and all that feel free to try sky menace,blitz etc. Good Luck <3
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20.05.2016 - 04:50
When i rush china i go blitz or imp slowroll but mostly blitz in 50k india pd is good but you need to take the persian gulf states and bassically aim for rich countries not afghanistan for example if you will ally china you should go sm or pd and ask for funding
20.05.2016 - 09:14
If you want to rush China, and it's a 50K game, use Blitz! Blitz is weak in many scenarios ... but not in this one! Bring many air transports full of tanks, make sure to keep some room for some infantries to wall your air planes, whether your turn ends in the field or in a city, and the number of units you'll bring will naturally overwhelm China. On turn 1 (or 2 if you are playing a casual game), do not hesitate to air transport units from India's western cities to India's eastern cities, in order to have them immediately air transported towards China on the same turn. By the next reinforcement turn (5), you should have captured most of China, and you will produce close to whatever remains of your enemy. Don't be scared to bring yourself on the verge of bankruptcy; once you have India + China + a couple more countries, you will easily be at +4000 per turn. To avoid danger from some other countries to the west of India (I'll take Iran, potentially allied to Turkey, as an example), make sure to invest at least a little on turn 1 to capture some countries to the west (Pakistan, Afghanistan). Then, while you finish China, it's not the end of the world if you lose those countries. You will then be able to fully concentrate on them with your +4000 per turn. I'll leave it to others if you do not want to rush China. EDIT: be careful with the above, i'm still a noob!!
20.05.2016 - 11:04
Not a seasoned player, but I have played a fair amount. If you play India, you should focus on rushing China. You need China for income. In the ideal case, you ally Indonesia/Australia and rush China and from there Korea and Japan. If China doesn't make peace with you and you fail to take Southeast or Northeast China early, it's over. If you manage to ally China, go for Moscow and try getting into Europe. Or you could try go to EU through Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Don't go for Indonesia, unless provoked. Indonesia is strong and can initially fight you off and you lose too much resources and money. Europe or China should be main focus or you run out of money and get overrun.
20.05.2016 - 18:42
I like to use sm n take Indo n China. Wall everything n rewall when u think the wall is going to get broken the point is to hold the country for as long as possible until ref week. I like to take west of India countries n wall China northeast n southeast . Be wise on what u spend. Don't waste all ur money on China. Usually when I'm done with China I'll have 6k on turn 4 n on turn 13 I'll be make 5k to 6k. I usually have everything west of India that including Aussie n Indo by turn 19 I'll be making 10k
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