05.06.2014 - 11:40
50k is obviously too much. No matter where you start, you will be able to spam units without any money consequences. When your 50k does run out, you'd have captured enough land to fund yourself to build any amount of units you desire. 50K games are a cancer almost as deadly as RP. Please remove.
Black Shark Account deleted |
05.06.2014 - 11:58 Black Shark Account deleted
Instead, maybe we should have 35k as max? or maybe just 30?
05.06.2014 - 20:00
Everytime I see some thread of this nature it annoys me so much. Freedom of choice , people play different stuff; if you dont like it just do not play it. I do not understand why this seems so difficult to understand by quite a few players. I mean unless it is some game which directly violates the rules or something then it should be fine.
---- "When you connect to the silence within you, that is when you can make sense of the disturbance going on around you." ― Stephen Richards
06.06.2014 - 08:56
You and cube both must be simple minded if you honestly believe this is about my preference of gameplay. Tell me something. Why is the limit of funds at 50k? Why not 75k or 100k or even infinite amount of funds? BECAUSE MONEY MANAGEMENT IS PART OF THE GAME. The admins deemed anything above 50k would make having money and unit costs worthless. I am here to point out that 50k is an unreasonably amount just like any number higher than 50k. But hell, in your mind you probably think allyfagging is all right since that's how they play and it's fun for them so we should let them do as they please since you can always not play with allyfags right?
07.06.2014 - 12:33
"uber haxor hardcore games that you hipsters play" holy fucking shit you are the cancer that is killing afterwind LEAVE "50k lets newer players actually play without having to worry about money management and such" and so they never learn how to manage money and instead play 50k games where all they have to do is spam bombers with SM and crap all over the game ------- RP and 50k and UN all alike are both killing AW, PLEASE REMOVE 50k
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Death1812 Account deleted |
07.06.2014 - 13:10 Death1812 Account deleted
07.06.2014 - 16:09
i think you are cancer . ![]()
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07.06.2014 - 16:42
Nobody plays this game for fun. "YES WE DO" no you don't. If you want to have fun in this world there are friends and much better mindless video games. Why do we play? Two reasons. The first is diplomacy and the ability to roleplay as different countries through different eras of history. The second is to be a part of something competitive. Is there fun in both of these options? Sometimes. But when you want to do something for the pure fun of it, is atwar really your first choice? I'd be willing to bet that it isn't. Do you think football players and sports player go out and break bones and get concussions just to enjoy the fun in a game? No. They do it because they pride themselves in being good and better than most others in a very competitive field. So please, everybody; stop with all these bullshit 'we do it for fun' arguments.
Black Shark Account deleted |
08.06.2014 - 00:02 Black Shark Account deleted He's just debating for his suggestion. You're doing God's work, fock.
Black Shark Account deleted |
08.06.2014 - 00:04 Black Shark Account deleted Thats only in the late game. And it isn't that hard. Heck, sometimes it may never come!
08.06.2014 - 05:27
the 'good country' you are talking about is india, it's the only country that costs 30k, the other expansive countrys are max 20k and in europe, the most expansive country costs ~9k so, in east asia, your expansive country costs 20k, in south asia it costs 30k, in america it costs 15k and in europe it costs 9k? that is unbalancing as shit. btw, many competitive uber hax0r hardcore gamers play 15k on the world map, as it's the most balanced amount of starting money "50k lets newer players actually play without having to worry about money management too much" disagree, let's take for example, me, cause bla! when i was a rank 3, i tryed using airtransports with tanks, it didn't work and therefore i knew: "never use air transports". that rule later changed to:"carefully use air transports" learning the ropes doesnt mean ignore the ropes
competitive=for winning scenarios=for fun (wich means conquering the world as siam or sick shit like that) i play competitive until 23 pm, cuz winning is fun and after that time i only play scenarios cuz i suck after 23pm
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08.06.2014 - 11:29
Personally, I feel it's the other way around. My idea of fun is going to a friends house or doing something social. Not being cooped up in a house all day playing a game. But hey, if you're trying to justify you playing 3 hours of scenarios in a day, go ahead. ![]()
08.06.2014 - 16:42
Personally, I find both fun. I much prefer being with friends and going places, but having an overprotective mother who went let me ride a bike and having no friends within 20 minutes walk from me, AtWar is really my alternative.
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Death1812 Account deleted |
08.06.2014 - 18:40 Death1812 Account deleted
08.06.2014 - 21:01
Stop with these stupid threads! let people play what they want, they don't write threads saying remove 10k do they????????????
08.06.2014 - 22:29
I propose the addition of 100k games. No matter how small you empire is you can build a massive army. GG please hold your applause
08.06.2014 - 23:02
---- It's not the end. ![]()
09.06.2014 - 07:15
Like if ur gonna make a post, please read entire thread. This thread is about how 50k games are too much money and not telling who what they can and can not play. Yes I do think rp is cancer to AW, however I'm not gonna tell people what they can and can not play. I'll offer suggestions of if you want to play for pure skill, I'd reccomend eu+ 10k, but I'm nt gonna try to shove that down your throat. I think I'm more like what Tirpitz said. I'll play competitively, then for fun every now and then play a scenario just cuz bla. Edit: lol my quote failure
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09.06.2014 - 09:32
Ok but they could argue that 10k EU+ does not take skill and is not competitive as it is the same scenarios every single game, in EU 3v3 there are minimal options to do things differently, they could also argue that EU 3v3 is more or less the same moves every game unless you change it up very minimally
09.06.2014 - 09:55
If you don't like 50k games, don't play them! It's simple, 50k world games are fun sometimes and also good for new players to learn. People play this game to have fun, believe it or not, at least I do. Some of the players, mostly because of their age, are so fucking focused on ''being good players'' and winning instead of having fun, if you are one of them, then shut up. Really, don't try to ruin other players game because you believe that you belong to the ''competitive community''. If you are such a skilled player that you can't play with a lot of money, then don't play with a lot of money! Don't play with ''noobs'' and play Europe+ 10k 24/7. 50k is OK, wanna know why? Because you can play with 50k IF you want. Stop being a kid, learn how to have fun and DO NOT make an elephant out of a fly, damnit. Also, don't tell me that this thread is about proving that 50k is too much and not about what I said, because the answer IS what I said. You are not forced to play 50k, go play 5k if you want, mr. pro, I think that the other 10 y/o butthu-... *cough* skilled players like you will play your game. Stop avoiding the answer, because that's the answer to all of your arguments; YOU ARE NOT FORCED TO PLAY 50K.
09.06.2014 - 12:45
Totally agree. It's an option, I feel should remain, it allows lower ranks to learn, if you don't like the option, you have the option not to play that game.
---- "The edge is never very far away, when you're hanging on by your fingernails." ©
10.06.2014 - 15:03
I wouldn't have had a problem with RP or 50k games if they weren't the default games that everyone plays now, but it seems no one plays anything other than the same old stupid 50k and RP games and there is nothing interesting because most players suck now. Now it's so hard just to get 10 people to play a 10k game because everyone wants to play the super easy peasy 50k game where they all just play SM or some other super expensive strategy against other crappy players. And every time I do make a game thats under 50k world, someone comes along and says "50k plz" and then they leave when I tell them to fuck off.
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10.06.2014 - 21:06
Disagree. I play this game for fun. Just think: Will you win a nobel for play this? money? no!. Then why play games if they suck time and they are wortless? but FUN! Competitive is fun. Beat a high rank is fun. get rushed and 2vs1ed while your team noob is fun. That test your real skills. Be challenged and do your max is fun! at least for me..... hue. So, I mean Fun is wortless? no! Fun is important in live. They are as important as eat somenthing different of Bread, as important as have different colors and blablabla..... What if we charge the topic from "competitive players" to "default map players? " .btw for those sayding eu+10k is competitive... SM UKRAINE IS OP! And you need a lot of skills or luck for counter it. [Not based on my experience but in all the duels/1vs1 I had see turkey vs ukraine]. If you want somenthing competitive, play destoria.
Black Shark Account deleted |
12.06.2014 - 02:01 Black Shark Account deleted Sm sucks in RP. Only IF, blitz, Imp and LB can possible work. Litteraly.
08.07.2014 - 17:19
100% agree with Fidel_Castro. I dont mind 50K. I play it sometimes. But World 50k games are so popular now-a-days that World 10K or 15K games are hardly played.
09.07.2014 - 14:34
Because they don't get me hot bitches like Waffel and Spart.
09.07.2014 - 15:15
I used to play GW with tanks in air transports and bomber spam in 50k. That obviously didn't work when I tried it in 5k, now I stay the fuck away from 50k.
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Are you sure?