05.03.2016 - 15:51
Roleplay is an exciting and enjoyable game that provides more realism (by including diplomacy and international rules) than any other game in atWar. The downside? Noobs and quitters. Especially quitters. Today, the success rate of RP games is hardly ~1/5 which is HORRIBLE. Since RP maps are played with 20 players, the chance that somebody will quit is pretty high, BUT there are ways both to lower it, as well as ways to prevent quitters from ruining the game. It's time for Rankism! This is probably the most pronounced issue in RP: hosts want to be nice and let low ranks play, and the chance they'll quit is EXTREMELY high. As a result, RP games don't last long in most cases. Remember the days you were playing in beginners' lobby where everyone was low rank? It was horrible - 50% of the players quit on the first 3 turns and it wouldn't take long until the rest do as well. If you don't want RPs to be the same, simply don't let noobs in. The solution? Be rankist. Here are the rules I recommend to follow: Minimal rank: 5 Major countries (UK, France, India): 6+ Superpowers (USA, Russia, China, Germany): 7+ Obviously, there is the exception of known good low rank players. Why set higher ranks for major countries? Quitters aren't the only problem, noobs are a problem as well. When a noob plays as major country, say Germany, it totally ruins the balance of the game. Russia has no real threat from Europe, minor countries will find a reason to fight that noob Germany and the game quickly turns into a mess. The superpowers are the backbone of every RP game, so let them be played by good players. Stop mass-leaving Host is not the only person to determine whether the game will fail or not. The players also obviously take part in it. What's more annoying than someone randomly leaving the game? The entire game mass-leaving after him. This happens a lot: one not so important country quits and the entire room spams "REMAKE, GAME FAILED". Like, seriously, if 1 country leaving is enough for you to state that the game has failed, how do you expect a remake to fix the problem? The remake will be exactly the same, so instead of crying just split the lands and keep playing. Well, unless the quitter was a superpower. Don't gangbang Gangbang = -1 player, map becomes mess, the war's result is predictable. Quite ruins the entire meaning of the game. Of course, gangbangs will always be done, so rather than just sitting in the corner and doing nothing (or worse - joining the gangbang), help the gangbanged player and make it 2v2 - or even a world war. This adds a lot of action to the game and makes the wars real. Benefits • Less quitters • Less time wasted • RP games will have higher success rate • RP games will be more enjoyable
05.03.2016 - 16:48
Support! @Mods please clear all the "omg rp thread, guy that suck" comments pls.
05.03.2016 - 16:56
Actually yes. Unless creator wishes to move it to off-topic.
06.03.2016 - 05:36
I do not discriminate against RPs like I never support the government to ban sado-masochism. If people have fun in RPs, let them go. The problem is that your ideas cannot be solved here in the main forum. If you want to set up rank limit on particular countries, communicate with the host in the game. If you want to stop mass-leaving, persuade the players in the game. The situation now is like that you are asking the government to legislate on the ''rules'' and ''toys'' you want to have in your sado-masochist games. Let RP issues settled by RPers in RPs. RPs itself is supposed to have a lot of communications. If you cannot convince others on the game rules at first place, why would you think you are resembling real diplomacy?
06.03.2016 - 18:54
This is AtWar, not AtDiplomacy or some shit like that, thus RP needs to be terminated.
07.03.2016 - 14:23
how does rp affect you? , and why do you believe that rp, a part of the game people enjoy should be terminated?
07.03.2016 - 14:29
Lowranks play RP in the beginning, soon they realize it sucks and they base entire AW on their experience in RP and they leave this shitty game (shitty for them since they played only RP), this means AW loses players, which is the worst thing that can happen. I mean why would they play such an unfun game? where only way to win is to ally 10 people. To confirm this just look at RP games, its all r6 and under (few r6 actually), that clearly shows that RP players quickly quit the game instead of staying and playing, making the whole game better. Those who quit are quickly replaced by new lowranks and its all a vicious cirlce that is slowly killing AW.
07.03.2016 - 15:52
They dont listen
07.03.2016 - 15:53
Usually i'd bash rp. RP and 3v3's are 2 types of game play that rely on players knowing what they are doing. In RP new players have come to play strategy war games (as is hinted at in the name) and suddenly find themselves in a diplomacy game with massive gangbangs every so often which they probably dont find too enjoyable and so they leave the game and probably the whole site as well. 3v3's are pretty much the same, Certain countries are preferenced over other countries, with a few different expansions to each one that require quite a bit of thought, not something some people coming here to have a relaxing game will enjoy either. They also probably leave never to return. I think this game just needs better immersion in the beginners lobby. make it easier for new players to recognize what type of game they are entering. If a player finds themselves in diplomacy when they wanted strategy then thats not conducive to keeping players in the game which in the long run everyone wants regardless of what they play.
Lord Zeus Account deleted |
07.03.2016 - 18:34
RP and Atwar are not the issue, the Issue is the people who play RP. You don't want your RP to fail? host a RP without RP players RP Players are the scum of atwar
07.03.2016 - 19:31
Its idiotic to compare "regular" RP to that map.
07.03.2016 - 20:48
So there is a difference among/between RPs? Some more scummy than others?
07.03.2016 - 23:11
Yes, mine is actual roleplay with roleplaying rules, a gamemaster that enforces them and the map is targeted to a scenario audience. Mainstream RP is only Roleplay in name. Its time for RP to stop pretending and admit that they only play it because they suck at other games and are afraid of high ranks and fair play. Mainstream RP is just a safe space for noobs to rank up.
08.03.2016 - 05:43
You have good arguments on the "types" of RP. I could agree on most. Actually I do... ...I just don't understand why so much hate and why would you care about the doings and not-doings of other players?
08.03.2016 - 06:13
Oh come on, can't we have a nice RP thread without people bashing the RolePlay??
08.03.2016 - 07:28
Already deleted the worst ones.
09.03.2016 - 09:50
---- Seule la victoire est belle
09.03.2016 - 09:55
People complaining about RP'ers not visiting the forums... once they do, they get this amount of flame for simply suggesting features they could use or for making guides about their own games I simply have nothing constructive to add to what the player said nor is RP in any sense a concern of mine so just live and let them live... hakuna matata!!
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people.
09.03.2016 - 10:01
Joke aside RP players aimply arent playing the same game as we do so I suggest making a seperate room for them And they should wear a yellow star too
---- Seule la victoire est belle
09.03.2016 - 10:08
Behold! The Yellow Star of Shame! Image Credit: Mr_Own_U_777
09.03.2016 - 10:09
It s a dark humour reference to nazi Germany...
---- Seule la victoire est belle
09.03.2016 - 10:11
Heh. Nazi humour eh? I did Nazi that coming!
11.03.2016 - 21:58
Such stupidity being said here, but I get all your (valid) points: RP players (most) use it as an easy way to get SP/going through That is why on my upcoming RP, I'll not only making it more skill-required, but also force them to actually do what's intended: Roleplay. It's clear from what I've read here that some of the people here clearly just insult a map-genre because of what it is now, yet, they don't propose anything to improve it and thus, (on their point of view), improve the game. To those, please shut up and go play War to end All War, which can be actually at the same level as RP (right now). Cheers.
19.03.2016 - 03:51
Support. Maybe I will start playing RP again and show you Rp guys how it's done.
19.03.2016 - 05:08
My problem with rps is that now everyone allies everyone,and when I say everone I mean everyone! I used to play rp and it was fun,since you could attack someone without having that feeling you will be called roue and get gangbanged after attacking someone.
19.03.2016 - 06:44
I personally do not enjoy RP but if that is what excites you the most don't let me stop you from having fun. The problem arises when you want special changes to suit only your form of play. I consider this to be a useless edition to only a few forms of play, especially since there are more important things to address and believe me there a billion of changes that could benefit the game more than preventing leaver in RP.
Are you sure?