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Posted by Fockmeeard, 05.06.2014 - 11:40
50k is obviously too much. No matter where you start, you will be able to spam units without any money consequences. When your 50k does run out, you'd have captured enough land to fund yourself to build any amount of units you desire. 50K games are a cancer almost as deadly as RP. Please remove.
09.07.2014 - 18:01
Suport, remove kebab 50k option.
...још сте ту...
25.07.2015 - 17:40
25.07.2015 - 18:12
Support no fun with 50k!
25.07.2015 - 18:23
No support
26.07.2015 - 08:11
The 50k is probably the most popular in the beginner room. Plus if you don't like it don't play that game. Make your own. No support.
26.07.2015 - 18:04
I don't see why the options need to be deleted for people. For some, this game is one where they try to get as good as possible and be one of the best. They are competitive in their matches and see that 50k games prevent such competition. For others, they just want to play the game for fun. They don't want to spend time to be come a pro necessarily, they just wish to play a quick game and be done with it. Neither is wrong and frankly, both kinds of players are perfectly fine. I'm not trying to put either side down, but why limit the options for those whom wish to have a 50k game where they can just spam tanks? If that's what they find to be fun, why should that be stopped? Sure they may not be good and be able to play as competitively as others, but that doesn't mean they should be forced to be a competitive player.

Also, before anyone comes in and patronizes me for only including two kinds of players above, I realize there are a variety of players some who are hybrids of the two types of players I describe above and others who don't fit in either category.
27.07.2015 - 19:37
This proposal is directly aimed at ruining RP plain and simple i see no other reason it was ever brought up
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