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Posted by Yihka, 01.02.2011 - 16:15
This strategy focusses on training so many men into soldiers to fight for your country. Because of this, you are able to have a big army in no time, yet your soldiers aren't as good.


Cities that normally give 1 reinforcement gain +0 reinforcement
Cities that normally give 2-4 reinforcement gain +1 reinforcement
Cities that normally give 5-6 reinforcement gain +2 reinforcement
Cities that normally give 7 and up reinforcement gain +3 reinforcement

Bonusses / Losses

Note the attack/defence behind the name is already set right.

Infantry (4/5)
Infantry lose 1 attack
Infantry lose 1 defence

Tank (5/4)
Tanks lose 2 attack
Tanks lose 1 defence

Marines 4/4
Marines lose 2 attack
Marines lose 1 defence

Militia 3/5:
Stays the same

Battleship (6/5)
Battleship loses 2 attack
Battleship loses 1 defence

Submarine (5/4)
Submarine loses 2 attack
Submarine loses 1 defence

Transport (1/2)
Stays the same

Stealth (4/4):
Stealth loses 2 attack
Stealth loses 1 defence

Bomber (4/4)
Bomber loses 2 attack
Bomber loses 1 defence

Air Transport
Stays the same

Sentry Plane
Stays the same

Basically, all your units get a bit weaker but you will have more reinforcements to use. This might be really useful to make big stacks to scare your enemy or just to have fun with a lot of men.

I did not balance the stats out so it might be unbalanced but it's about the idea generally.
10.02.2013 - 18:18
I suggest changes to relentless attack.
Inf. Attack 4 (so standard) the rest as it is.
Tank, as is but with standard defence.
Destroyer, +1 attack, -2 defence
Bombers, +1 attack, -2 defence.
"You know better, I know you know better, and you know you know better."
06.04.2013 - 14:31

AirTransports +5 capacity

Tanks -1 attack -1 defense etc
He always runs while others walk. He acts while other men just talk. He looks at this world and wants it all. So he strikes like Thunderball.
10.04.2013 - 11:31
Written by Lord G, 03.04.2011 at 08:39

Would it be possible to give each strategy a 'unique' unit, or be able to build specific rare units...

Heavy tank = tank commander
Light tank = blitzkrieg
partisan = guerilla warfare
anti tank infantry for perfect defense

You get the idea.

This would make certain strats far too overpowered. Especially the favourites: MoS, SM, and GW. These are strats that people get later, after having accumulated a lot of SP. As it is now, lvl 2+ newbies can defend against them under certain circumstances, and maybe even push back. But adding special units to those 3^ would allow me to anhialate at least half the players I come across in a handful of turns.
10.04.2013 - 11:49
I like the original idea that was posted. I give it my support.

I also know that many people here were considering a stealth detection strat, which I also think is good.

I'd say at least (obviously there will be more detail to it than just this):

-110 cost for Sentries
+4 to all types of detection/ranges for Sentries
+2 detection/ranges for all primarily defensive units (Militia, Inf, Anti-Air, and anything else which USUALLY has a higher def than att)
-10 cost to all defensive units
+5 detection/ranges to General
+1 def to all units against attacking stealth units (while enemy units remain in stealth- as such unhidden stealth bombers will not suffer after the first attack

+15 cost for all primarily offensive units (this way they can cost more initially, but maintenance may only go up by 1 XD)
-1 movement for tanks, bombers, and other primarily offensive units
-3 movement for all stealth units (with the exception of Sentries)
+20 cost for all stealth units (except for Sentries)

Oh, and maybe something about battleships being turned into defensive units, to counter subs?
25.04.2013 - 00:35
Selows idea sound cool. I support and hope its added.
08.05.2013 - 09:20
There should be a strategy that's makes air and naval powerful but land units are weak, air units cant be more powerful then SM and naval cant be more powerful than NC

also this strategy
-4 hp for all units but -30 cost and +2 range for all units and every time u buy a unit u get a extra 2 free units. EX:u press the button to buy a bomber u get 3
11.05.2013 - 21:42
I was thinking of a strategy that was...very different from how strategies have been ran.

Strategy: Eavesdrop
You can see what everyone is saying in private message and ally chat.

The down sides? Well, not sure yet. Any suggestions for those?
I enjoy cheese in a cup.
11.05.2013 - 22:24
Written by DeathPox, 11.05.2013 at 21:42

I was thinking of a strategy that was...very different from how strategies have been ran.

Strategy: Eavesdrop
You can see what everyone is saying in private message and ally chat.

The down sides? Well, not sure yet. Any suggestions for those?

Strategy: Eavesdrop
You can see what everyone is saying in ally chat.

Down sides: All units will 0 Critical, and -4 view Range.
13.05.2013 - 12:08
I respect the idea.Its cool I hope it will be added
Believe you can and you're halfway there
28.05.2013 - 23:15
I was watching the movie Downfall/Der Untergang recently and I was wondering if we could have a scorched earth tactic, maybe more collateral population/economic damage to cities the enemy takes from us and/or more damage to cities we take from the enemy? Just an idea that I think would be interesting, the point would be to give the enemy less resources to use against you, at the cost of it backfiring on you too.
Capitalism, Ho!
12.08.2013 - 16:57
Written by GOD 2.0, 08.05.2013 at 09:20

There should be a strategy that's makes air and naval powerful but land units are weak, air units cant be more powerful then SM and naval cant be more powerful than NC

also this strategy
-4 hp for all units but -30 cost and +2 range for all units and every time u buy a unit u get a extra 2 free units. EX:u press the button to buy a bomber u get 3

LOLOLOLOLOLOL is this a troll or what

13.08.2013 - 17:07
Written by Guest, 12.08.2013 at 19:09

Written by EpicRice, 28.05.2013 at 23:15

I was watching the movie Downfall/Der Untergang recently and I was wondering if we could have a scorched earth tactic, maybe more collateral population/economic damage to cities the enemy takes from us and/or more damage to cities we take from the enemy? Just an idea that I think would be interesting, the point would be to give the enemy less resources to use against you, at the cost of it backfiring on you too.

I like this

attack units +4-6 collateral

+1 attack +20 cost

I would keep the cost the same and make the +1 attack for all units, if not then the collateral only applies to attack units and you get no defence bonus for all normal units (not special and rare units).
13.08.2013 - 17:31
Written by Selow, 10.04.2013 at 11:49

I like the original idea that was posted. I give it my support.

I also know that many people here were considering a stealth detection strat, which I also think is good.

I'd say at least (obviously there will be more detail to it than just this):

-110 cost for Sentries
+4 to all types of detection/ranges for Sentries
+2 detection/ranges for all primarily defensive units (Militia, Inf, Anti-Air, and anything else which USUALLY has a higher def than att)
-10 cost to all defensive units
+5 detection/ranges to General
+1 def to all units against attacking stealth units (while enemy units remain in stealth- as such unhidden stealth bombers will not suffer after the first attack

+15 cost for all primarily offensive units (this way they can cost more initially, but maintenance may only go up by 1 XD)
-1 movement for tanks, bombers, and other primarily offensive units
-3 movement for all stealth units (with the exception of Sentries)
+20 cost for all stealth units (except for Sentries)

Oh, and maybe something about battleships being turned into defensive units, to counter subs?

This sounds OP and more of a counter towards stealth, how about these changes:
-110 cost for Sentries
+4 to all types of detection/ranges for Sentries
+2 attack and defense for sentries
+2 detection/visibility for all primary units
+1 def to all units against attacking air stealth units only when in city, this doesn't apply to units that have a bonus already, (while enemy units remain in stealth- as such un-hidden stealth bombers will not suffer after the first attack)

+10 cost for all primary defensive units
-2 movement for all stealth units (with the exception of Sentries)
+30 cost for all stealth units (except for Sentries)
-1 movement for secoundary units
Sentries are not stealth unless in city for 2 turns or more

This would be a strat more focused on sentries with the downside of no stealth. It is important not to nerf down other units too much because sentries even with buffs are not good for all out attacking. It shouldn't give any particular bonuses apart from view range to defense so it's not another defensive strat.
23.08.2013 - 22:03
Account deleted
Written by Tundy, 11.05.2013 at 22:24

Written by DeathPox, 11.05.2013 at 21:42

I was thinking of a strategy that was...very different from how strategies have been ran.

Strategy: Eavesdrop
You can see what everyone is saying in private message and ally chat.

The down sides? Well, not sure yet. Any suggestions for those?

Strategy: Eavesdrop
You can see what everyone is saying in ally chat.

Down sides: All units will 0 Critical, and -4 view Range.

17.09.2013 - 06:53
Make relentless attack more competitive. It's one of the base strats and should b made better to compete easily against the likes of perfect defence
13.10.2013 - 06:03
I too think that Relentless Attack should get improved, or at least it should get made more interesting. Same goes for strategies like Great Combinator for example.
I really would like to have a strat with strong tanks, but like said, RA is just... boring... since it barely affects anything compared to other strats.

Suggestions for Relentless Attack:
  • +2 HP for Panzer
  • -1 Range for Infantry

  • +1 Attack for Destroyers
  • -1 Defence for Militia

  • +2 Attack for Bombers
  • -1 Defence for Anti-aircraft
  • Anti-aircraft cost +20

    This would make it definitely more interesting and would still fit in the strat theme.

    Other points:
  • Perfect Defence should have an Anti-aircraft bonus
  • the Stealth Detection Strategy idea pretty good, especially since MoS is pretty overpowered
  • make Hybrid Warfare somehow better please, thx.
  • Loading...
    13.10.2013 - 07:47
    Written by Klabauter, 13.10.2013 at 06:03

    I too think that Relentless Attack should get improved, or at least it should get made more interesting. Same goes for strategies like Great Combinator for example.
    I really would like to have a strat with strong tanks, but like said, RA is just... boring... since it barely affects anything compared to other strats.

    Suggestions for Relentless Attack:
  • +2 HP for Panzer
  • -1 Range for Infantry

  • +1 Attack for Destroyers
  • -1 Defence for Militia

  • +2 Attack for Bombers
  • -1 Defence for Anti-aircraft
  • Anti-aircraft cost +20

    This would make it definitely more interesting and would still fit in the strat theme.

    Other points:
  • Perfect Defence should have an Anti-aircraft bonus
  • the Stealth Detection Strategy idea pretty good, especially since MoS is pretty overpowered
  • make Hybrid Warfare somehow better please, thx.

  • If these are in addition to how it is normally then I agree with RA points except bombers should only be +1 attack and no +HP for tanks (or instead of +1 attack might be better) otherwise it's OP.
    Stealth detection strat is useless, only able to use against stealth and would be weak against everything else.
    Yes Hybrid warfare needs a boost.
    13.10.2013 - 10:38
    Written by Xenosapien, 13.10.2013 at 07:47
    If these are in addition to how it is normally then I agree with RA points

    Yes, they were in addition, of course. I forgot to add this, sorry.
    Written by Xenosapien, 13.10.2013 at 07:47

    But it would fit perfectly to the strategy theme and would give it more character. Of course, you also can make other units weaker for it. I thought about making Stealth planes or helicopters a bit weaker for it, if it's really necessary.
    Written by Xenosapien, 13.10.2013 at 07:47
    Stealth detection strat is useless, only able to use against stealth and would be weak against everything else.

    That's true, but I personally have the feeling that MoS is pretty overpowered and could need such a counter strategy. I just think it would be an interesting strategy, and a good addition to the other "useless" ones. I for one, would use it from time to time, especially if I know a strong player in the room uses MoS a lot.
    13.10.2013 - 10:43
    Written by Klabauter, 13.10.2013 at 10:38

    Written by Xenosapien, 13.10.2013 at 07:47

    But it would fit perfectly to the strategy theme and would give it more character. Of course, you also can make other units weaker for it. I thought about making Stealth planes or helicopters a bit weaker for it.

    You can make other units as bad as you like, but pd players only need infantry and transports if there's water between the infantry and where they can be op. You can make other units as bad as you like, but it will not stop those infantry.
    Written by Klabauter, 13.10.2013 at 10:38

    Written by Xenosapien, 13.10.2013 at 07:47
    Stealth detection strat is useless, only able to use against stealth and would be weak against everything else.

    That's true, but I personally have the feeling that MoS is pretty overpowered and could need such a counter strategy.
    I just think it would be an interesting strategy, and a good addition to the other "useless" ones. I for one, would use it from time to time, especially if I know a strong player in the room uses MoS a lot.

    MoS is not op, and is generally regarded as fairly bad for everything except intercontinental warfare. It needs high cost and despite not really being bad in any area, doesn't excel anywhere either.
    13.10.2013 - 10:43
    Written by Klabauter, 13.10.2013 at 10:38

    But it would fit perfectly to the strategy theme and would give it more character. Of course, you also can make other units weaker for it. I thought about making Stealth planes or helicopters a bit weaker for it.

    No, that is nerfing units that aren't used very much at all, it is a negligible nerf.
    Written by Xenosapien, 13.10.2013 at 07:47
    Stealth detection strat is useless, only able to use against stealth and would be weak against everything else.

    That's true, but I personally have the feeling that MoS is pretty overpowered and could need such a counter strategy. I just think it would be an interesting strategy, and a good addition to the other "useless" ones. I for one, would use it from time to time, especially if I know a strong player in the room uses MoS a lot.

    Useless strats should not be included, we don't need hundreds of useless strats 'just because'. Any strat which is specifically intended to be a counter to another doesn't belong in the game.
    13.10.2013 - 10:45
    Written by EndsOfInvention, 13.10.2013 at 10:43

    Written by Klabauter, 13.10.2013 at 10:38

    Written by Xenosapien, 13.10.2013 at 07:47

    But it would fit perfectly to the strategy theme and would give it more character. Of course, you also can make other units weaker for it. I thought about making Stealth planes or helicopters a bit weaker for it.

    You can make other units as bad as you like, but pd players only need infantry and transports if there's water between the infantry and where they can be op. You can make other units as bad as you like, but it will not stop those infantry.
    Written by Xenosapien, 13.10.2013 at 07:47
    Stealth detection strat is useless, only able to use against stealth and would be weak against everything else.

    That's true, but I personally have the feeling that MoS is pretty overpowered and could need such a counter strategy.
    I just think it would be an interesting strategy, and a good addition to the other "useless" ones. I for one, would use it from time to time, especially if I know a strong player in the room uses MoS a lot.

    MoS is not op, and is generally regarded as fairly bad for everything except intercontinental warfare. It needs high cost and despite not really being bad in any area, doesn't excel anywhere either.

    It's not OP but neither is it very bad at other areas, it is quite balanced in other areas, just not as good as specialist ones like PD in EU and SM in USA. Yet it also has its signature element of surprise which can be twisted to put up a good fight.
    13.10.2013 - 10:57
    Written by EndsOfInvention, 13.10.2013 at 10:43

    pd players only need infantry and transports

    Well, then making Anti-aircraft a bit better, won't change their game a lot, anyway, if they only need Infantry. It would still make the strategy look more original, to me, though.
    Written by EndsOfInvention, 13.10.2013 at 10:43

    MoS is not op, and is generally regarded as fairly bad for everything except intercontinental warfare.

    I know where it has its strengths, but MoS is also an alround strategy and can be used almost everywhere, plus it even has better planes than SM, for example (Stealth planes at least). And that it excels in high funds is not a problem, since most people here rather play 50k world games, anyway.
    13.10.2013 - 12:01
    Written by Klabauter, 13.10.2013 at 10:57

    Written by EndsOfInvention, 13.10.2013 at 10:43

    pd players only need infantry and transports

    Well, then making Anti-aircraft a bit better, won't change their game a lot, anyway, if they only need Infantry. It would still make the strategy look more original, to me, though.
    Do you even logic?
    Written by EndsOfInvention, 13.10.2013 at 10:43

    MoS is not op, and is generally regarded as fairly bad for everything except intercontinental warfare.

    I know where it has its strengths, but MoS is also an alround strategy and can be used almost everywhere, plus it even has better planes than SM, for example (Stealth planes at least). And that it excels in high funds is not a problem, since most people here rather play 50k world games, anyway.

    No. high funds is around 50% of games.
    13.10.2013 - 12:04
    Written by Xenosapien, 13.10.2013 at 12:01

    Do you even logic?

    If you wanna troll, go back to /b/ or whatever, dipshit.
    13.10.2013 - 12:06
    Written by Klabauter, 13.10.2013 at 12:04

    Written by Xenosapien, 13.10.2013 at 12:01

    Do you even logic?

    If you wanna troll, go back to /b/ or whatever, dipshit.

    Lmfao, I'm the troll here???
    03.11.2013 - 14:19
    Account deleted
    Written by Klabauter, 13.10.2013 at 06:03

    I too think that Relentless Attack should get improved, or at least it should get made more interesting. Same goes for strategies like Great Combinator for example.
    I really would like to have a strat with strong tanks, but like said, RA is just... boring... since it barely affects anything compared to other strats.

    Suggestions for Relentless Attack:
  • +2 HP for Panzer
  • -1 Range for Infantry

  • +1 Attack for Destroyers
  • -1 Defence for Militia

  • +2 Attack for Bombers
  • -1 Defence for Anti-aircraft
  • Anti-aircraft cost +20

    This would make it definitely more interesting and would still fit in the strat theme.

    Other points:
  • Perfect Defence should have an Anti-aircraft bonus
  • the Stealth Detection Strategy idea pretty good, especially since MoS is pretty overpowered
  • make Hybrid Warfare somehow better please, thx.

  • Panzer is a rare unit lol.
    -1 range for infs would screw up first turn expansion a bit
    Attack for destroyers? You must not use them, tanks are cheaper you know.
    -1 def for militias, meh that's just another defence nerf, which RA doesn't need.
    +2 attack for bombers is too op, that is like SM.
    AAs are useless so that nerf won't work.

    PD should not have a AA bonus at all, AA needs an overall buff, though. Too expensive.
    No it's a bad idea .
    YES I only agree with this one, HW needs buffs, it's useless and also the most expensive strat.
    10.12.2013 - 04:48
    Nerf Blitz with :

    - 1 attack for militia.
    15.12.2013 - 09:27
    Written by Klabauter, 13.10.2013 at 12:04

    Written by Xenosapien, 13.10.2013 at 12:01

    Do you even logic?

    If you wanna troll, go back to /b/ or whatever, dipshit.

    If that's trolling for you, then I guess you are a retard with no clue what you're talking about
    15.12.2013 - 11:01
    Written by Mauzer Panteri, 10.12.2013 at 04:48

    Nerf Blitz with :

    - 1 attack for militia.

    Second that
    16.12.2013 - 00:31
    Written by Prey, 15.12.2013 at 09:27

    Written by Klabauter, 13.10.2013 at 12:04

    Written by Xenosapien, 13.10.2013 at 12:01

    Do you even logic?

    If you wanna troll, go back to /b/ or whatever, dipshit.

    If that's trolling for you, then I guess you are a retard with no clue what you're talking about

    Yea, fuck you too!

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