Yeah, this needs to be updated...TC doesn't exist (though you could sub RA for it), and there are several that do exist and are not on there...still, I couldn't make up my mind...I had to settle on IF (reasons below).
Appropriately, each one has advantages and disadvantages, several of which depend on income, geography and available units.
Universal strats, like IF and GC, are weak to me. The range penalty on IF is brutal, makes it useless in my experience, except for Mordor in LOTR scenarios. GC has potential, I think, except that I find infantry useful in certain attack situations, like on the first turn before you can build units...having an attack of 1 really limits their utility. It just isn't very compatible with my thinking and playing style, so I don't really use it.
MoS, NC, RA and GW are my 4 go-to strats (despite the brutal penalty that transports take in GW). I pick between them based on available units, income and geography. SM is tempting, and would be fun to use, but it is expensive to use and readily defended against, such as with AA guns and the +1 defense bonuses of destroyers and subs against bombers. I haven't spent the 9k SP on it yet, just for those reasons. I may buy it eventually, once I have Air Transport II and Cheap Transportation upgrades...a long time from now...
Just use sM.. have the range of blitz, the defense of infantry, the attack of tanks, and not be effected by terrain.. And you can use it anywhere you want
Just use sM.. have the range of blitz, the defense of infantry, the attack of tanks, and not be effected by terrain.. And you can use it anywhere you want
Just use sM.. have the range of blitz, the defense of infantry, the attack of tanks, and not be effected by terrain.. And you can use it anywhere you want
i think GC is very weak after lowing inf defence
i tested 40GC inf with general v 25inf / 20marine with general as MOS
the MOS always won and that shouldn't happen in my mind lol
also tanks strat sucks rigth now lowing inf defence by 2 and making militia more expansive and just give the tanks 1/1 10-cost its not balanced
Lucky Bastard is useless now a days if it give 15critical with +15cost all unit insted of 10 would be nice
This thread was made waaaayyyyyy before RP bro hahahha but i see what you mean
"Austria the shield and Prussia the sword!" Too bad that they are attached to the wrong arm: The right one holds the defiantly gli stening shield, and the left one is supposed to wield the sword"
-Franz Grillparzer, Prussian Officer
"****swans is just torturing me like when uou caugh an insect *when you caught an insect and starts to pull
out from him their body parts****" - IHY