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what should happen to the leavers in 8+players scenarios?

fuck me!

Total votes: 32
23.10.2015 - 14:43

this is pretty annoying!
please put rule against it like they care about they are going to get banned from the map when they do this :/
they fuck up the game usually....
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
23.10.2015 - 15:08
As you can clearly see his team and him fucked up,instead of playing for another 5 or so turns for no reason but to farm SP they decided to remake (probably as thats what usually happenes in wwi)
23.10.2015 - 15:14
Just ban
My honor is my loyalty.

23.10.2015 - 16:35
Account deleted
If it was like that, we would have to ban everybody. Seriously, everybody has done that at least once. But yeah he and his team fucked up so I dont' know what's the point of playing anymore.
23.10.2015 - 16:44
This happens wayyy too much in ww1 imo and has made it extremely toxic to play
23.10.2015 - 17:45
Written by Guest, 23.10.2015 at 16:35

If it was like that, we would have to ban everybody. Seriously, everybody has done that at least once. But yeah he and his team fucked up so I dont' know what's the point of playing anymore.

wtf you talking about we was never fucked and i was about to rush the poor uk that had 100 unit with some 500including the new recruits of storm troops i also had my trade secured and good front line
and leaster wasnt lossing he was master of stealth and had marines all over russia ready to attack and then communitsts do the job
we wasnt fucked up gfy dont say what you didnt see look my front line how strong it was
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
24.10.2015 - 02:15
Account deleted
Written by SyrianDevil, 23.10.2015 at 17:45

Austria couldn't hold incoming 300 units, Bulgaria would die, Ottoman already left. You and Prussia simply couldn't hold it alone.
24.10.2015 - 06:46
Sometimes people genuinely have to leave for unpredictable emergencies or internet crashes. Banning for what could be a factor beyond a player's control is too brutal.

A short temporary ban (2~6 hours) sounds alright. If a player leaves on a real emergency, the ban doesn't really matter. During that time, they can just go deal with whatever problem they had and come back next session, no problems. But if a player leaves to troll of whatever, that player would have to wait out the next few hours until that player can troll again.
24.10.2015 - 07:22
Written by International, 24.10.2015 at 06:46

Sometimes people genuinely have to leave for unpredictable emergencies or internet crashes. Banning for what could be a factor beyond a player's control is too brutal.

A short temporary ban (2~6 hours) sounds alright. If a player leaves on a real emergency, the ban doesn't really matter. During that time, they can just go deal with whatever problem they had and come back next session, no problems. But if a player leaves to troll of whatever, that player would have to wait out the next few hours until that player can troll again.

No, this happens every 1 in 3/4 games in ww1 with the same people its kinda funny lol
None of them are actually emergencies
24.10.2015 - 08:25
Written by Valetorious, 24.10.2015 at 07:22

No, this happens every 1 in 3/4 games in ww1 with the same people its kinda funny lol
None of them are actually emergencies

Some of them might be. I'm merely concerned that a general measure might adversely affect people who already suffer from an unpredictable schedule and poor internet connectivity.
24.10.2015 - 14:30
Written by International, 24.10.2015 at 06:46

Sometimes people genuinely have to leave for unpredictable emergencies or internet crashes. Banning for what could be a factor beyond a player's control is too brutal.

A short temporary ban (2~6 hours) sounds alright. If a player leaves on a real emergency, the ban doesn't really matter. During that time, they can just go deal with whatever problem they had and come back next session, no problems. But if a player leaves to troll of whatever, that player would have to wait out the next few hours until that player can troll again.

players usually leave because they lossing and cry before leaving like this gay in the screenshot
+ they can tell one of their friends to use their account to play to not fuck up the game
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
24.10.2015 - 14:35
Written by Guest, 24.10.2015 at 02:15

Written by SyrianDevil, 23.10.2015 at 17:45

Austria couldn't hold incoming 300 units, Bulgaria would die, Ottoman already left. You and Prussia simply couldn't hold it alone.

austria could hold them if he dont fking attack full on trenchs while i tell him just hold...............
every one this days acting like im not newbie i dont need to be told what to do and also pretty annoying that you laugh at me when i tell you perfect ways of winning........ well you are all are newbies if you want this to be proven come duel me or we can make world game 3v1 to show you what a competitive player can do....
you think austria pd sucks? i have always played austria pd and i never lost either at wg or prussia or austria because they are already overpowered but noobs dont know to use them.........
+there was some 100 marine arround russia for prussia before even communists come
edit: da just go fuck yourself you are retarded and pointless to speak with retards
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
24.10.2015 - 15:51
Well, maybe its impossible not to be a leaver on occasions if you have a family, friends or bad internet provider...

24.10.2015 - 20:21
Written by Ghostface, 24.10.2015 at 14:59

I tottaly support Syrian i was England in that game and i didnt have half of force needed to stop him so paris couldve fell but Karl left unexpectedly...

syrian has 400 in frontline,you and france have 500.

if he planned to attack i guess he didnt fund prussia that much and from what i can see he sent no help to balkans
even if he managed to go through your trenches he still wouldnt beat france and his attament would fail in the end.
by that time prussia and austria would be losing already if not dead.

with all that said we can clearly see SF fucked the team and s now shifing blaim to austria.

quite a low blow buddy
25.10.2015 - 03:01
How is this an idea though
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?

25.10.2015 - 18:07
Written by Evic, 24.10.2015 at 20:21

Written by Ghostface, 24.10.2015 at 14:59

I tottaly support Syrian i was England in that game and i didnt have half of force needed to stop him so paris couldve fell but Karl left unexpectedly...

syrian has 400 in frontline,you and france have 500.

if he planned to attack i guess he didnt fund prussia that much and from what i can see he sent no help to balkans
even if he managed to go through your trenches he still wouldnt beat france and his attament would fail in the end.
by that time prussia and austria would be losing already if not dead.

with all that said we can clearly see SF fucked the team and s now shifing blaim to austria.

quite a low blow buddy

lol there is screenshot no need to make things up now...

i have more units then both of them + i was lucky bastard all units have big critical + uk army already nearly dead and me controlling the sea and the trade and every thing + i had 8k that turn waiting for the stromtroopers who comes available turn 11 just when he left....
with those 100 storm trooper spam and the 450 defensive units(350inf+100cons)+50kurpp+general how can uk hold me out even if france have 300 unit they are all defensive + most imp conscripts :/
something you dont know is 600unit attacking 100unit with same power = you loss 25~50 especially with luckybastard may loss less then 20
but 300 unit attacking 100 may get 50~75 unit lost depand on strategy too (learn fking basic aw)
i would loss 40stormtrooper to break all uk trenchs and then what? you think i will full attack the heavily defended paris and loss my army and become vaulrable like other noobs usually do? just think about it you fking scumi wish i could conteniue this game rather then speaking with DUMBS NOOBS ABOUT THIS....
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