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Posts: 5   Visited by: 35 users
25.10.2015 - 04:32
I suggest to create a new hall of fame based on the ratio "number of game won over number of total game played". It is probably the best indicator for the best player. And as many player have more than 1 million PS and that it will be very difficult to catch up them... i suggest to rethink the meaning of the "best player".
25.10.2015 - 06:05
I don't see how the new proposed mechanic would be any fairer, considering that there are plenty of ways to win many games as a novice, or to not win while playing well.
25.10.2015 - 06:08
 Eagle (Mod)
Its very far away from determining who is the best player, since SP is really easy to farm in many scenarios and 50k world game's. The skill is truly seen in duels, 1v1's and different maps playing on 3k/5k and 10k, where true tactics and money management come to surface, but there is no scale in measuring that.
25.10.2015 - 07:08
Both the current and the option you suggested would do great!
26.10.2015 - 03:00
Written by Eagle, 25.10.2015 at 06:08

Its very far away from determining who is the best player, since SP is really easy to farm in many scenarios and 50k world game's. The skill is truly seen in duels, 1v1's and different maps playing on 3k/5k and 10k, where true tactics and money management come to surface, but there is no scale in measuring that.

true Eagle. Duel already gives good information..

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