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26.10.2015 - 00:31
I know Silverlight was terrible at times, but gosh darn it, It was entertaining. this new Version of Atwar is terrible, its harder to wall and why is it when im chatting with someone in PR the box with their Rep and if they are friend or foe pop up and stay up. before it was a scroll and then it would go away after a second... Walling is almost impossible, and oh yea, btw Im playing standard map turn two, out of no where i get early reinforcement and boom next thing you know i can have 200 bombers before turn 10 because each turn i could build troops. it was so outrageous, that out of the respect i had for the old atwar, i decided to be a gentleman, and allow the other players to live, because i was the only one who had this bug. it was only in the russian countries where this was happening. Anyways Give me back the Old Atwar, or else, face, my internet trolling, where i go on each game rating website that Atwar is on, and then, comment negative things! Beware of the Key Board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
26.10.2015 - 00:44
It's ok. I can't even play. Takes 30 seconds to open a city
Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel
26.10.2015 - 01:33
Sure if you are fine with not being able to play at-war at all after November.

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