05.12.2020 - 22:57
Dear AtWar Community, Recently some of you may have noticed being muted when no mods are online, or receiving warnings from players that are not mods. This is known as the minimod role. Some players have been appointed to the role of minimod. This gives them chat moderation permissions (clear messages), as well as permissions to give mutes of up to 24 hours. However, they do not have permissions such as that to moderate forums, check IPs, or ban users. It should be clarified that this role is distinct from the role of being a supporter - being a supporter does not imply that you will become a minimod, and being a minimod does not imply that you are a supporter. Minimods are held to the same professional standards that moderators are. If you find any minimod behaving in a way that is not appropriate for a staff member, please contact a moderator. Hope that clears some things up.
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