05.12.2010 - 15:37
Heres my idea. Anti-Air guns. AOE style weapon that takes one turn to deploy anywhere, And 'intecept' any Air troops that pass through them, forcing them to fight. Does NOT apply to ground or sea units. -Engages anything that passes through its 'Radius' - Super effective against bombers and air transport. - Effective against inf. - +1 Deff inside cities - +1 Attack -1 Def outside cities. Weaknesses; - Expensive (600?) - Takes one turn to become active - Small movement speed (3/4ths of tanks?) - Tanks and naval units are super effective, inf are equal. MG Inf. A squad of inf that carry gun turrets. Works similar to the AA guns but intercept miltia and infitray. Strengths; - Large defence bonus - Interception Ability - Super effective against non-armoured ground units. - Can spot stealthed ground units that enter its AOE. - +1 defence in cities, +1 attack -1 defence outside. Weaknesses; - Large attack nerf, make it so you cant use them to go on offence - Takes one turn to deploy - Weak vs Tanks and air units. What do you think?
05.12.2010 - 16:51
I think this game can get complicated if there are too many different troop types. I am kinda indifferent though if ever one else wants it I am fine with it. The reason I do not want it too complicated is it discourages new comers.
06.12.2010 - 03:54
At this point we will only add new units if they offer something radically different. AOE kind of unit seems like an interesting idea, perhaps we can add later. Also, we have many other possible units in mind, but we want to keep them for the projects/research/rare units system that we're working on.
11.06.2016 - 14:58
Well, realistically speaking, the unit names and stats would require some obvious tweaking. This system would also be a massive decifit to PD and SM, however I am in favor of implementing anything to reduce walling load. However, I would recommend these stats instead;(Of course, all take a turn to deploy for balance) Fighter; Context: Today fighters are based, distributed along airfields, to easily intercept nearby incoming enemies. Anti-Aircraft emplacements are not only localized in combat potential but also quite outdated in use. +Has a radius similar to the stealth detection. It will automatically move and attack any unit moving through this radius. +Very effective against any kind of air unit. -Has practically no defense, so it needs to be protected -Very vulnerable to stacks reinforced with AA Cost should range from 180 to 300. It'll be a very good counter against SM/DS but do little good elsewhere due to horrid stats in anything but destroying air units. Combat Stats Atk: 9 Def: 2 HP: 7 Range: 8 Any Ground unit gets a default +5 DEF vs this unit. Entrenchment; Context: In modern Infantry warfare, the mobility is so poor compared to firepower that it usually resorts to trench warfare yet today.(Look up Iraq-Iran war) The element that destroyed the prospect of trench warfare in modern warfare was Tanks - Therefore, this unit is very weak towards tanks. +Same radius. This unit will however force the enemy in that range to attack its location and therefore any stack accompanying it. This unit has no strat affiliation, and costs a gazillion(750 or up) due to its massive potential in dispatching large stacks by leading them into a trap. Combat Stats Atk: 1 Def: 1 HP: 7 Range: 5 Ground-Attack Aircraft; Context: This type of aircraft dates its infamy back to the world-famous Ju 87 Stuka dive-bomber of World War II. In a more modern sense, we can mention the recent wars of the middle east. American A-10 Thunderbolts could chew up tens of Iraqi tanks in mere seconds by flying overhead and spraying explosive gunfire on the weak top armour. However, these aircraft are slow and have literally no way of defending themselves against AA or Fighters. +Works the same way as a Fighter, but attacks ground units instead. +Very effective against Tanks -Will get destroyed by AA. -Low Def Cost ranges from 230 to 350. Combat Stats Atk: 10 Def: 1 HP: 7 Range: 6 Tanks lose 3 def when attacked by this. AA gains 12 more def when attacked by this. Any Air/Naval unit gains 3 def when attacked by this
11.06.2016 - 15:33
You mad dude? This thread is 6 years old!! Also, AA guns are already implemented. Not in the exact way suggested, but that's unrealistic anyways. Inb4 thread is locked Edit: Nice spelling of 'bump' ![]()
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15.06.2016 - 05:26
I definitely think that AtWar desperately needs a naval/air interception unit. The enemy really should not be able to ferry troops around (except with stealth units, ofc) with impunity when I have total control of the seas.
Are you sure?